“Those seeking it, knowledge crowns.”
                                                      Suos Cultores Scientia Coronat

Controverse: Heterodox and Independent

Investigative Journalism Dedicated to Knowledge, Truth, and Justice.

Born 2021 of the need for truly independent voices in journalism unafraid of challenging orthodoxy where it lies. Controverse is Latin for “to turn against.”  Our motto is suos cultores scientia coronat, “knowledge crowns those who seek her.”

About Investigative Journalism Organization and Importance

This magazine is all about investigative journalism organization independent of the massive corporations strangling the nations of which they reside and their lackey so-called ‘mainstream’ media.  It is our firm position that all journalism should be independent.  This independence is so vital to society that we contend it should be enforced by law.  All journalists should be independent contractors, beholden to nobody.  Once complete independence is achieved in journalism then further laws must be instituted to further insulate journalists from threats, violence, or bribery.  

A more perfect society cannot be possible without independent and rigorous investigators working for it.  That especially egregious interference in this model must be met with capital punishment might seem shocking to some but the alternative is obviously far worse.  Most journalist organizations are owned by the same corporations, this should not be.  Why should any organization purporting journalistic integrity be allowed to be owned by any other or corporations engaged in entertainment, finance, military, agriculture, consumer products, or any other?

We dedicate this magazine and organization to the ideals as laid out above and promise never to change.  Truth is fundamental to understanding which is in turn fundamental to improvement.  We stand here amidst our fellow generations at the beginning of the 21st century blind but for the work of a few and lost to fictional entities whose only credo is consumption, chaos, and control.  To achieve something better, we need the raw and uncompromised information presented to us by minds capable and free to give honest context.  

What the World Needs Now is Truth!